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GitHub Webhooks

The HULKs use HULKs/GitHubNotificationsBot for GitHub notifications in their messengers. Since we open-sourced our main repository, we do not have permissions to register webhooks in forks of the repository. This page serves a guide on how to setup and enable GitHub notifications from your repository.

Register New Webhook

  1. In your forked repository, go to Settings, Webhooks, Add webhook
  2. Payload URL is
  3. Content type is application/json
  4. Ask one of our Dev-Leads for the secret
  5. Leave SSL verification on
  6. Select "Let me select individual events" and enable the following:
    • Issue comments
    • Issues
    • Pull request review comments
    • Pull request reviews
    • Pull requests
    • Pushes
  7. Activate it and add it
  8. Profit

Adminstration of the Bot

The bot is running on the HULKs Nextcloud VM (RZ) machine. The address can be found the IP Address Range wiki page of the HULKsnition repository. A VPN connection is required to connect via SSH. The Docker Compose directory is located at /mnt/ext/docker-config/web/ and the service is named github-notifications.