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NAO Setup

This section assumes you have a working development environment, and can successfully run pepsi --help. See Development Environment to learn how to setup your environment.


Make sure a RoboCupper image has been flashed before flashing the first Yocto image, since the latter does not flash the chestboard (which needs up-to-date firmware). This step is not required for flashing subsequent Yocto images.

Flashing the Firmware

You can flash the firmware both using pepsi or manually with a USB stick. Flashing with pepsi is the preferred option.

Using pepsi gammaray

Pepsi automatically downloads the latest configured release of the HULKs-OS image. To flash a robot use:

pepsi gammaray <NAO>

Where <NAO> is any configured NAO number or a full IP address.

Alternatively: Using an USB Stick

Preparing the Stick

First, the firmware image has to be written to the USB stick. Use lsblk to find the device that represents the USB stick.


All existing data on the target device will be wiped! Replace sdX with the USB device.

dd if=path-to-nao-image.opn of=/dev/sdX status=progress

Finally, run sync to make sure all data has actually been written to the stick before unplugging it.


Flashing the NAO

  • Make sure the robot is turned off and a charger is plugged in to prevent a sudden loss of power during the process.
  • Plug the prepared USB stick into the back of the NAO's head.
  • Hold the chest button for about 5 seconds until it starts glowing blue, then release immediately. The chest button LED should now be flashing rapidly.
  • Wait for the flashing process to finish
  • The robot reboots at the end of the flashing process.

Checking for success

When the flash process was successfull, the robot boots up and presents with red Knight Rider eyes. The new HULKs-OS is now installed and the NAO is waiting for the robotics software.

Remote Shell Access

./pepsi shell <NAO> establishes an SSH connection and presents an interactive shell to the user.