Home Directory
The home directory (/home/nao/
) is overlayed with a mount to the /data
partition (see Partitioning).
When flashing the robot and uploading the hulk binary, the home directory structure looks as follows:
|-- hulk
| |-- bin
| | `-- hulk
| |-- etc
| | |-- parameters
| | | `-- *.json
| | |-- motions
| | | `-- *.motion2
| | |-- neural_networks
| | | `-- *.hdf5
| | |-- poses
| | | `-- *.pose
| | `-- sounds
| | `-- *.ogg
| `-- logs
| |-- hulk-1667906932.err
| |-- hulk-1667906932.out
| |-- hulk.err -> /home/nao/hulk/logs/hulk-1667906932.err
| `-- hulk.out -> /home/nao/hulk/logs/hulk-1667906932.out
`-- robocup.conf
The ./robocup.conf
file is required to start the LoLA service in robocupper mode.
All files related to the hulk service and binaries are stored in the subdirectory hulk
and mirrors the files of the directory structure of the development repository (Directory Structure).