Nodes usually contain robotics code and are interchangeable components within cyclers.
Each node is characterized by a new()
function which is called once at creation and a cycle()
function which is called in each cycle.
The function gets other node's inputs as parameters to the cycle()
function and may compute an output from that.
In addition, nodes may contain a state which is preserved between cycles.

Nodes are normal Rust structs where the struct's fields represent the state and a method called cycle()
in the impl
of the node represents the cycle()
This concept allows to write nodes in a very Rusty way.
A node may have multiple inputs of different kinds which can be annotated to the node.
use std::{collections::VecDeque, time::SystemTime};
use color_eyre::Result;
use context_attribute::context;
use framework::{MainOutput, PerceptionInput};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use types::{cycle_time::CycleTime, filtered_whistle::FilteredWhistle, whistle::Whistle};
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct WhistleFilter { // (1)
detection_buffer: VecDeque<bool>,
was_detected_last_cycle: bool,
last_detection: Option<SystemTime>,
pub struct CreationContext {} // (2)
pub struct CycleContext { // (3)
buffer_length: Parameter<usize, "whistle_filter.buffer_length">, // (4)
minimum_detections: Parameter<usize, "whistle_filter.minimum_detections">,
cycle_time: Input<CycleTime, "cycle_time">, // (5)
detected_whistle: PerceptionInput<Whistle, "Audio", "detected_whistle">, // (6)
pub struct MainOutputs {
pub filtered_whistle: MainOutput<FilteredWhistle>,
impl WhistleFilter {
pub fn new(_context: CreationContext) -> Result<Self> { // (7)
Ok(Self {
detection_buffer: Default::default(),
was_detected_last_cycle: false,
last_detection: None,
pub fn cycle(&mut self, context: CycleContext) -> Result<MainOutputs> { // (9)
let cycle_start_time = context.cycle_time.start_time;
for &is_detected in context
.flat_map(|whistle| &whistle.is_detected)
self.detection_buffer.truncate(*context.buffer_length); // (8)
let number_of_detections = self
.filter(|&&was_detected| was_detected)
let is_detected = number_of_detections > *context.minimum_detections;
let started_this_cycle = is_detected && !self.was_detected_last_cycle;
if started_this_cycle {
self.last_detection = Some(cycle_start_time);
self.was_detected_last_cycle = is_detected;
Ok(MainOutputs {
filtered_whistle: FilteredWhistle {
last_detection: self.last_detection,
- Node's state
- Creation context. Its contents are available in the
new(context: CreationContext) -> Result<Self>
function - Cycle context. Its contents are available in the
cycle(&mut self, context: CycleContext) -> Result<MainOutputs>
function - Parameter from the
. Can be changed during runtime by e.g. using twix. - Input from another node of type
. - Input from another node, but with persistent and transient data.
- Will be called at construction of the node
- Use declared configuration parameter. Since it is a reference, we need to dereference it with
. - Will be called every cycle
This node consumes the types CycleTime
and Whistle
as inputs and produces the output FilteredWhistle
It has three state variables; detection_buffer
, was_detected_last_cycle
and last_detection
The specification of node inputs and outputs leads to a dependency graph which allows to topologically sort nodes s.t. all dependencies are met before executing the node's cycle()
file automatically sorts nodes based on this graph.